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January 07, 2006 - 6:13 pm

I've only just realized how much of the world lay before me. It's like being trapped in a box and hearing what's going on outside. Torture. I must say.

I am only 26. Too young to be living this vast tradgedy I'm trying to call a

Smile. Make Love. Get Spanked!
Laugh. Cry..but only in retrospect.


What's the meaning? What does it mean to you?

Do I have something here before me (my boyfriend) that I don't even know about? he's got issues. yes. we all do. you show me one person without an amtrak of emotional baggage ( or other sort) SHOW ME! but he doesn't expect me to do anything but be happy. in my happiness, will his exchange be moving in with me? or will we be one of those couples who just live together and never get married? bah. why think about it. I'm too young.

I am too young to ponder such questions of the world. I want to 16 again. I want to roam the streets of Paris again.
I'm going to Las Vegas...and I don't care if I have to sell my soul to the devil while I'm down there. I WILL HAVE A GOOD TIME...with lots of MONEY!!!!!

yesterday - tomorrow