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Addiction 1
March 30, 2006 - 8:18 am

Dear God..

I have a raging headache that has spilled over from yesterday. I am dissapointed that I have become addicted to reality television and peanut butter twix bars. I spent 3 hours of my day yesterday watching the Flavor of Love. All of which I've seen a million times, because, remember? I'm addicted. I've even had little get togethers that involved pizza and candy all centered around this show. Sad Sad Sad. To be truthfully honest: I think that some middleaged (gross skinny) guy who's wearing a huge clock on him, AT ALL TIMES and sports a GOLD grill, looking for love from women 1/2 his age, to say the least is pathetic and saddening. BUT, what's even more pathetic is that I (yes, I know) am terribly addicted to all that drama!
To further my dissapointment, they are having a Flavor of Love Reunion on Sunday at 8pm. and guess who will be watching?

yesterday - tomorrow